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It boils down to this...

( I think this picture looks like me. Except I never wear cool goggles and I don't have a hat like that. And only in dreams do I have clothes like this. Otherwise, if I grew my facial hair longer it would be close.)

My big job tomorrow is to watch out for a package being delivered next door because it is going to rain.The lady next door is in the hospital. She is about 90 years old and she is a great neighbor. They don't want her package to get wet.

I didn't volunteer for the job. It was thrusts upon me.

Her daughters have ordered our neighbor new underwear. Apparently having substantial underwear is not a priority when you are 90.

So here is the point, the lesson, "the take away"

When you get to be in your 70's and your life may have once been important, maybe you had what you thought were important jobs, maybe you imagined that people depended upon you and maybe even looked up to you.... well.... eventually... your life will be reduced to having the most important thing in your day being to watch for a package of underwear so it doesn't get rained upon.

It reminded me of something Shakespeare said, only I had to adjust his thoughts somewhat...

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

  • William Shakespeare

Some people are born humble, some achieve humbleness and some have humbleness thrust upon them.

  • David Arment


©David L Arment

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