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The Gift

Warning to sensitive readers: this article / post uses snot related words and has prepubescent humor. So you may or may not want to read this. But since you have already read the word "snot" you may as well proceed.

Some of you, many of you, most of you may have missed the request for input on a birthday present for the female unit as her birthday is "just around the corner".

One of our readers has suggested a "NetiPot". I really think she is using her thinking cap and trying to help out while others of you are simply poking fun and not taking this effort seriously.

For those of you who are uncivilized and maybe just crawled out of the primordial goo. A NediPot is the trade name of one of several devices used to help remove boogers from you snout, your honker, the schnozz, honker, beak, snoot, smeller, nozzle,

...your nose.

As it turns... out this is a fantastic idea as I already have one of these stuffed WAAAAY back in the cabinet in the bathroom. I purchased one for myself to clean out my numerous, and gigantic nasal passages which are often blocked because I have thick mucus. Mucusy mucus.

I only used the thing two or three times, so it is "like new". I have the box and most of the little packages of "medication" that came with it so I am "good to go" with this wonderful idea.

The female unit may really like this as I know she is opposed to the old fashioned method of cleaning nasal passages which employs the use of a digit. Said digit is then used to "search for nuggets". She is VERY MUCH AGAINST THIS.

As she very much does not like the old fashion way then I am thinking this new technological and nearly revolutionary way of dealing with snot and other booger related blockages may be right up her ally.

There is but one problem, one fly in the ointment, and that is that no one tell her that this is a "re-gifting" situation. I promise to clean the pot using soap and hot water and be sure there is no crusty residue inside or out.

So dear reader, mums the word.

Thanks for the wonderful suggestion and I hope that some of you can take these requests more seriously in the future, and not suggest non-practical things like flowers and candy, jewelry and the like.

©David L Arment

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