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Travel Update, Drip Like a Pencil Lead

Travel Update Jan 20,2024

Today we went to breakfast at the “Donut Hole”. You can see their sign in the picture above. We will talk more about that later. 

But first I wanted to give you an update on the pipes. As you may have read in a previous “update” we had frozen pipes day before yesterday. (Is “two days ago” the same as “day before yesterday”?) Today, I am happy to report that after a night of below freezing weather we had no broken pipes this morning. 

When it is going to be below freezing they come through the park and give everyone a slip of paper about how to have a drip coming from the water supply.

When they were over to our site fixing the broken pipes I told them that “I had a good drip going”. They said that the drip needed to be the size of a pencil and maybe my drip wasn’t good enough.

That isn’t a drip that’s a good sized steam, I told them. A pencil is a considerably sized item… maybe it’s a quarter of an inch wide for a #2 lead pencil. After some considerable discussion it was determined that they didn’t mean the entire pencil, just the lead part of the pencil. The lead part inside.

So last night I had a little stream (not a drip) and we didn’t freeze. (Hurray!)

This morning we went to breakfast. My cousin and her husband like “The Donut Hole” and we do to. They go there and eat grits. Grits is a Southern food and has an acquired taste; like fried insects.

I’ve tried grits and some have a sorta’ slimy texture. But I understand that sometimes they don’t. It depends upon what kind of worms they ground up to make the grits. 

Today I had my normal scramble eggs. Pam had some sort of pancakes with a syrup that was described as molasses and pralines. I have no idea what that is, but it doesn’t sound delicious. 

(I just asked Pam how to spell pralines and she is volunteering to me lots of information from the back of the trailer, on “pralines” when all I wanted to know was how to spell. Apparently worms are not involved in the manufacture of them.)

Tonight we will be below freezing again and now I know how to drip like pencil led. So we will be fine.

©David L Arment

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