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Pam and I have been to Alaska twice. This picture was taken on the 2013 trip. 

When we crossed from Canada back into the US (Alaska) it was snowing. We pulled over at an abandon gas station and cleaned the snow from the windshield and just rested for a couple of minutes.

It had been a long day and the snow was making it longer.

We found a sign that pointed off the road indicating a Alaskan State Park. As soon as we turned down the road I had the feeling, "This was a big mistake". It was a very rough road. So we crept down the road. A snail would have passed us. We picked our way through the rocks, roots and ruts until we saw an opening.

There was another camper there already. It was a small campground and there was one camper already there and set up. They had the best spot and the second best was next to them. So that is where we parked.

When we got out to set up they told us that they played their music LOUD. And if we didn't like their music we should find a different spot. So we did.

After we got set up we wandered down to the lake. It was the only place we have camped that had a photo blind. You could sit and be very still and take pictures of he birds. But the major attraction was the snow capped mountains.

This picture is from that blind, just a short distance into Alaska.

©David L Arment

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