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He Made It!

I had to go to the town where the county seat is today. Pam asked me to pay our taxes while I was there. She gave me instructions about what to do and if they had questions she had a separate note just for that. All the documents were in an envelope along with a check for the taxes.

And then she gave me this map. See above.

When I got downtown in the big town of LaGrange, Indiana I consulted the map and where she had the Admin Building there is a church. I wasn't confused (any more than usual) and pieced it all together (figured it all out).

I got to the Treasure's Office and presented the envelope and told the nice lady that I was running an errand for my wife to pay our taxes. And I told her that I was so incompetent that my wife had to draw me a map on how to find their office.

I showed her the map. Look, I said, the map is wrong you aren't here you are over here. So the lady drew in where the real building is and put an x in the box (as you can see). Then she wrote, "He made it!" and put an official stamp on it.

So my incompetence is now officially approved and acknowledged by the county of LaGrange, IN (see official stamp).

However, I complained that I had no map or instructions on how to get back. I said what does that tell you?

Her helpful hint was to follow the map backwards. She seemed indifferent as to whether or not I would make it home.

So that was one of my big adventures for today.

(This was originally posted in November 2022 when we paid our county taxes, and reposted here for reasons I won't bore you with.)

©David L Arment

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