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Taxation without...

Late last summer the County Drainage Board (CDB) in our county sent out a “Notice of Public Hearing” that was to take place Wednesday, September 2, 2023 at 9:00am.

We have a Drainage Board? I guess everyone needs one of those. You should go check and make sure that you have one. No one should be without one. If you have ever watched water you know that it can sometimes get confused and not drain correctly. So government oversight is needed.

However I’m thinking that we need a Calendar Monitoring Board (CMB). Some government body which would meet at regularly scheduled times and sort our the days of the week, and the months of the year. Decide when Leap Year might be a good idea. Let us know about solar eclipses and the like.

Time is important. Without it, everything might happen all at once.

Maybe there is a Federal Office of Calendar Coordination (FOCC) with whom they (the County CMB) could interface, coordinate, ruminate, communicate, associate, to help articulate issues surrounding time in general and the calendar in particular.

The CMB could then make sure that the CBD understood the inner, outer, surrounding and other workings of the calendar which can be confusing what with Daylight Savings Time and all. And maybe we could get some good tips on schedules.

Our neighborhood concluded that a meeting on September 2 likely wasn’t going to happened because there is no (was no) Wednesday, September 2, 2023.

But there was a 9AM on September 2.

There was a 2nd. The 2nd was on a Saturday. 

There were some Wednesdays in September.

There were two Wednesday with “twos” in them the 20th and the 27th. So as you can see it is really confusing and we need a CMB to help the CDB sort these things out for them.

But there is a Wednesday, September 2 in 2026, which is a mere 3 years away. So I’m wondering if that is when the meeting is. I’m pretty sure I’m open that day and will be going to the meeting at 9AM.

Some of the neighbors think or thought there will or would be a follow up letter or notice explaining when the hearing really will be. But now it is winter and the original letter was sent late summer about 3 months ago, so I dunno. Without a CMB I’m not sure it is knowable.

All of this concerns us because there is a new tax to be levied upon us to clean up #1 Page Ditch. And we all think clean ditches would be swell. Who doesn’t. If you ever saw a dirty ditch I’m sure you would agree that clean ditches should be top priority.

I have no idea where #1 Page Ditch is. Nor do I know where the other numbered ditches are. I do know a girl named Page and I wonder if she knows they are naming ditches after her. 

So maybe the meeting was held Saturday, September 2, 2023 and the tax was voted into being. 

I went on the county website and there were meeting notes (they call them “minutes” on the website) from the CDB that dated 2016. No minutes (meeting notes) since 2016. I think the word “minutes” may have confused them. 

I’ll be sure and “circle back” to you after September 2, 2026 to let you know about the ditch. 

Let’s not tell Page about them using her name.

©David L Arment

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